Aion Classic Official Launch Time & World First Titles

June 23rd is almost upon us, with Aion Classic’s long-awaited launch!
Tomorrow at 9 am PT / 12 pm EDT / 6 pm CEST the servers will go live, and so will an exciting launch event for all of the early players, excited and ready to fly their characters to the top!

We are rolling it all the way back to 1.0, jumping into the same Atreia many players in North America and Europe saw for the first time on September 22, 2009. Well, except that many will come with their characters already thought-out and created. Yes — if you haven’t done so yet, hop on, prepare your character look, and reserve your name!
Character creation and the first week after launch are all free-to-play!

When things kick off tomorrow, you can immediately participate in a hunt for exclusive titles of legendary status, competing against others across the world!

Here are the challenges:

  • First to reach level 50;
  • First Brigade General to the first Legion to capture a fortress;
  • First to reach 1-Star Officer Rank;
  • First to gain Slayer buff through PvP;
  • First team to slay Kromede the Corrupt;
  • First team to slay Brigade General Bakarma.

You will be able to track winners as they grab these achievements on, with a tracking page that will go live tomorrow. However, there is still some time to prepare to try and compete against others!

Remember figuring out some shortcuts and speed-running strategies for fun? How quickly can you grind an alt to level 50? It’s time to review all of the little tricks and bring them to the table for that one-of-a-kind legendary title!

Beware that things will be a little different this time than they were with 1.0 in 2009: launch servers will come with adjustments for faster leveling, so if you are an oldie you might notice that everyone is a few levels higher than you would expect! If you haven’t already, definitely check out our FAQ compilation for Aion Classic for these and some other changes made to the original 1.0.

Alright, humans, go and get your wings — the troubled world of Atreia awaits their Daevas!

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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