
Origin: Unknown (Suspected American)
Founded: Unknown
Organization: Covert Terrorist Organization


Intel (3+1):

It is not known if the name “G22” refers to the organization itself or simply a cell or set of cells within it. G22 is believed to be composed primarily of former soldiers and intelligence operatives, which suggests the organization as a whole is familiar with the operating protocols of multiple intelligence groups worldwide (the skill with which G22 is able to cover their tracks provides ample support for this theory). Due to their ability to lure experienced members despite being recognized as a criminal organization by most UN nations, it is assumed G22 has extensive funding to cover the cost of their operations. Even G22’s division of command is not fully understood — but considering their network, it is assumed their goals involve political and economic operations on a global scale.

G22 Field Agents are trained for infiltration and sabotage — open warfare is not their way. The average G22 operative is not a trained soldier, most G22 agents come from espionage backgrounds. Strong resolve and keen senses are the selection criteria for combat agents in G22 — physical strength and stamina are often of secondary concern. Expect an enemy that is hard to evade but unlikely to withstand sustained aggression. Survivors of G22 assaults reported that electrical stun grenades are part of the organization’s arsenal.

G22 use sophisticated multi-spectrum goggles. The multiple lenses of the goggles are tuned to different wavelengths and illumination settings — creating one composite image of exceptional clarity. The goggle flare reduction is significant to keep a flashlight in the eye from blinding them, but a powerful magnesium flash from a flashbang will be intensified.

Secret Fact: One of the incarnations of Alpha Protocol was called “G19.” Whether that has any connection to G22 is unknown, but it is an interesting coincidence.

Intel Locations:

  • Taipei (Investigate Warehouse District Data Trail) – Gained from Albatross at the end of the mission.
  • Moscow (Safehouse) – Purchased from the clearinghouse.
  • Moscow (Intercept Surkov at US Embassy) – Gained from SIE during the initial attack (if you choose her as your handler).
  • Moscow (Contact Albatross) – [Secret Fact] Gained if you refuse to ally with Albatross and G22.
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