Improved Pistol Critical Hit (Expert)

Pistols Skill
Rank 11
Time to Aim Critical Hits: 2 seconds
Maximum Critical Hit Range: 25 meters

The pistol can be carefully aimed at a target to score a Critical Hit — a shot that causes additional damage. A Critical Hit is readied by holding the reticule over an enemy while at relatively close range. A set of crosshairs will appear in your reticule to indicate your aim is being focused on the target. Once the crosshairs have closed completely, firing will result in a Critical Hit.

Moving your aim off your target, reloading, moving, or taking any action that lowers your weapon will spoil your aim.

Improved Pistol Critical Hit (Master)
The pistol can be carefully aimed at a target to score a Critical Hit — a shot that causes additional damage. A Critical Hit is readied by holding the reticule over an enemy while at relatively close range. A set of crosshairs will appear in your reticule to indicate your aim is being focused on the target. Once the crosshairs have closed completely, firing will result in a Critical Hit.

Moving your aim off your target, reloading, moving, or taking any action that lowers your weapon will spoil your aim.

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