Samael 9mm Pistol

Weapons – Pistol
Damage: 19
Accuracy: 20
Recoil: 31
Stability: 32
Ammunition: 14
Value: $5,000
Stable, with light recoil and a generous clip, but below-average stopping power.

UC .50 Pistol

Versatile and precise, the pistol is an accurate weapon at virtually any range, even when on the move. The pistol is capable of accepting a silencer attachment — making it invaluable for stealthy approaches.

Israeli weapon design firm Samael made its start with concealable, small caliber pistols and has branched out into a wide range of military grade firearms. Samael weapons are designed for soldiers and mercenaries that expect to be outnumbered — so all of their weapons feature higher than normal ammo capacity. The large clip philosophy doesn’t just add staying power — it also acts as an effective counterbalance, providing stability and recoil control.

• Saudi Arabia (Clearinghouse) – Purchased from Nasri
• Taipei (Clearinghouse) – Purchased from Heck Enterprises

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