UC .73 Gauge

Weapons – Shotgun
Damage: 31
Accuracy: 2
Recoil: 2
Stability: 13
Ammunition: 8
Value: $6,000
Good stopping power at the expense of balance, recoil control, and inaccurate shot grouping.

UC .73 Gauge

The final word in non-negotiable brutality, the shotgun packs a deadly punch at close range but becomes effectively useless at long range as the cloud of projectiles that it fires spread thin. Aside from its short range, the shotgun has a slow rate of fire and hefty recoil, but its damage and stability when firing on the move make it invaluable in room to room combat.

Nationalized during the soviet era, Ural Combinat is now back in private hands and is selling their weapons to mercenaries and small governments around the world. A UC weapon is built for stopping power and intimidation — accuracy, ease of use, and possible wrist injury from recoil are of no concern to the Combinat’s engineers. Their inaccurate designs make their weapons useless to law enforcement agencies and highly desirable to shooters who aren’t as concerned with stray bullets killing innocents.

• Taipei (Clearinghouse) – Purchased from Heck Enterprises

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