Intercept Surkov at US Embassy – Alpha Protocol Mission

This guide will walk you through the Alpha Protocol Mission “Intercept Surkov at US Embassy”, one of the missions that is part of Operation Blood Feud. We will go through how to complete the mission, as well as any intel you can find.

Intercept Surkov at US Embassy Map

alpha protocol walkthrough interceptsurkov

1 – Starting Position

2 – Ladder

3 – Rooftop Door

4 – Front Door

5 – Computer (Upper Level)

Hacking this computer will give you dossier information about SIE.

6 – Random Mod (Upper Level)

7 – Computer

Hacking this computer will net you $3000.

8 – Computer

Hacking this computer will give you dossier information on Grigori.

9 – Surkov

10 – Surkov’s Computer

Hacking this computer will complete the objective “Hacked Surkov’s Computer” and net you $3000.

11 – Security Computer

12 – Computer

Hacking this computer will give you dossier information on Scarlet Lake.

13 – Random Mod

14 – Sniper Rifle

If you purchased the “sniper rifle dead drop” intel, then this is where you’ll find the sniper rifle, but it will only appear at the end of the mission when you need to defend Surkov.


A. Elevator. You’ll be able to use this elevator to move up from Level 1 to Level 2. After that, the elevator will break, and you’ll have to find another route (the stairwell at Exit C) to get back down.

B. Maintenance Ladder. You’ll be able to use this ladder to climb up from Levels 2 to Level 3.

C. Stairwell. You’ll be able to use this stairwell to move down from Level 3 to Level 1.


  • Dossier information on G22. Purchasing this intel will expand your dossier on the organization known as G22.

  • Mission map for the embassy. Albatross has offered to sell you a detailed map of the embassy and its security details.
    • Note: This intel will only be available if you’re on good terms with Albatross (or perhaps if you agreed to an alliance with G22).
    • We didn’t notice any extra information on our mission map.

  • Sniper rifle dead drop. For a price, you can arrange a courier to leave a sniper rifle stashed in the embassy should you need additional firepower.
    • Note: This intel will only be available if you’re on good terms with Albatross (or perhaps if you agreed to an alliance with G22).
    • You’ll find the sniper rifle on a rooftop overlooking the courtyard (#14). It will only appear at the end of the mission.

  • Dossier information on Surkov. Purchasing this intel will expand your dossier on Sergei Surkov, a Russian businessman with a criminal past.

Intercept Surkov at US Embassy

You’ll start out the mission in conversation with Mina, but then Albatross will break into your feed (no matter how you’ve treated him in the past), and he’ll offer to be your handler for the mission. If you’ve already completed the mission Investigate Weapon Shipments, then you’ll be able to choose SIE instead (and lose a point of reputation with Albatross). If Albatross and Mina are your handlers for the mission, then you’ll gain the perk Birds of a Feather. If SIE and Mina are your handlers, then you’ll gain the perk Verbal Menage a Trois.

Note: It’s possible to disconnect from Albatross when he’s talking to you. You’ll do this automatically if you choose SIE. If you disconnect from two people in the game, then you’ll gain the perk Transmission’s Breaking Up.

When you arrive at the embassy, you might find the marines stationed there on alert. This will happen if you were aggressive or professional with Grigori during the mission Contact Grigori the Informant. If the marines at the embassy are on alert, then they’ll look like marines, and you’ll need to use the professional stance to talk your way past them at the front door (#4). If the marines aren’t on alert, then they’ll look like police officers, and you’ll need to use the suave stance to talk your way past them. If you can’t or don’t want to talk to the marines, then you can also sneak into the embassy using a ladder (#2) and a rooftop door (#3).

Note: This is one of two places in the game where you can bluff your way past guards (the other is in the mission Intercept Nasri the Arms Dealer). If you’re successful in both places, then you’ll gain the perk These Aren’t the Agents You’re Looking For.

Regardless of how you get inside the embassy, right away the building will be attacked — either by G22 (if SIE is your co-handler) or by the VCI (if Albatross is your co-handler). The only difference is, if you sneaked inside, then the marines at the embassy will be hostile towards you. Otherwise they’ll be your allies. Either way, the marines are considered to be good guys, so don’t kill them unless you want to lose reputation with Mina. This might also include the turrets (at least for the end-mission comments) so try to avoiding attacking them as well.

Your goal in the mission is to find Surkov (#9) and then escort him to safety. You can reach Surkov via an elevator (Exit A), but when you talk to him, you’ll learn that the explosions have triggered the embassy’s security gates, and that you’ll need to take a maintenance ladder (Exit B) to the third level, where you’ll find the computer that can override them (#11). Hacking into that computer will open up several doors on Level 3, and allow you to use the stairwell (Exit C) to return to Level 1.

Back on Level 1, you’ll need to make your way to the courtyard (outside #4) to protect Surkov from a last-ditch attack. If you purchased the “sniper rifle dead drop” intel, then you’ll find a sniper rifle on the nearby rooftop (#14), and it’ll make defeating the attackers much easier. Otherwise, you should just stick next to Surkov and shoot anything that gets close to him. If you plan to use the sniper rifle, then you should exit the embassy via the rooftop door (#3). If you exit via the front door (#4), then Surkov might get killed before you can even get to it.

After the fight, Surkov will either be thankful for your help, and offer to look up who Halbech’s contact was in Moscow, or he’ll pull a gun on you, and require a certain amount of persuasion to help you out. For the former, you’ll receive the mission Contact Surkov at Moscow Office. For the latter, Surkov will tell you the contact right away — Konstantin Brayko — and you’ll receive the mission Assault Brayko’s Mansion.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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