Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol Multipath Trailers

In a similar vein to GameTrailers’ “Choose Surkov’s Fate” trailers, Metacafe has uploaded a new “Multipath” trailer that allow us to continue onto “Liquidate the Dealer”, “Hunt Down the Buyer”, or “Screw With the Agency” videos at its conclusion.

Alpha Protocol Michael Thorton Music Video

SEGA kicked out yet another Alpha Protocol trailer this morning, with this latest entry claiming to be something of a music video. Essentially, it’s a series of NPCs chanting “Michael Thorton” to a techno beat across about 60 seconds of…

Alpoha Protocol Sergey Surkov Trailers

GameTrailers is hosting four new trailers for Alpha Protocol, though they’re all linked together in something of a neat concept. First, you’re to watch “Choose Surkov’s Fate”, after which you’ll be given the option to “Kill Surkov”, “Call For Help”,…

Chris Avellone Video Interview, Part One

The latest episode of Matt Barton’s “Matt Chat” video series features the first half of an interview with the one-and-only Chris Avellone about his history as a game master and video game designer, the importance of the storyline in an…

Alpha Protocol Magazine Review

Well, folks, the very first review of Alpha Protocol is upon us, thanks to issue #127 of Playmania magazine. Unfortunately, it’s entirely in Spanish, but a quick Google search uncovers this site which features links to scans and a summary…

Alpha Protocol “Small World” Trailer

SEGA and Obsidian Entertainment just sent us over a new Alpha Protocol trailer that “puts the spotlight on the numerous locales Agent Michael Thorton will be traveling to and from throughout his adventure”. Have at it, courtesy of our YouTube…

Another Alpha Protocol Giveaway

SEGA has teamed up with UGO to kick off another Alpha Protocol giveaway, which places an AP-branded iPod Touch in the hands of three quick Tweeters.  The details:  To celebrate the release of Alpha Protocol, we have three iPod Touches…

Alpha Protocol Preview

After getting their hands on a final build of Obisidian Entertainment’s Alpha Protocol, GamingBolt has capitalized on the opportunity by publishing a fairly detailed preview. On equipment and combat: SHOTGUN Suitable for short range encounters, the shotgun launches a cloud…

Alpha Protocol Factions Trailer

The Alpha Protocol trailer bombardment isn’t over yet, as we’ve gotten our hands on yet another video showing off the game’s six factions: The Mercs (VCI), The Psychopaths (Russian Mafia), The Vigilantes (G-22), The Double-Agents (CSP), The Syndicate (The Triads),…