Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol Preview

NowGamer has doled out a hefty four-page preview of Alpha Protocol, arriving at the conclusion that the game will be “potentially quite impressive” when it ships in a couple of months. Our question, then, remains: just how much of either…

Alpha Protocol Preview

XXLGaming is next in line to take a closer look at Alpha Protocol, and as expected it’s based on the PAX East showing of Obsidan’s espionage RPG. The first thing they demonstrated to us was the dialog mechanics and how…

Why Alpha Protocol Doesn’t Have a Female Protagonist

SideQuesting caught up with Obsidian Entertainment’s Matt MacLean during this weekend’s PAX East expo and grilled him about the lack of a female protagonist and homosexual romance in Alpha Protocol. A generous excerpt on why neither was implemented: When asked…

Alpha Protocol Screenshots: Hooked Gamers

SEGA and Obsidian have released four new Alpha Protocol screenshots depicting some heavy weaponry, a stealthy kill in an arcade, zip-lining between two buildings, and what looks to be some sort of hostage situation. Check ’em out over at Hooked…

Alpha Protocol Previews

More hands-on impressions of Obsidian Entertainment’s Alpha Protocol have hit the web, courtesy of SEGA Nerds and GotGame. Here’s an excerpt from the former: Similar to Heavy Rain, the player can choose one of several responses from different emotional spectrums,…

PC Games of Spring 2010

IGN continues to profile the highest profile titles of 2010’s second quarter, and this time it’s the PC platform under the microscope. Alpha Protocol, Arcania: A Gothic Tale, Majesty 2: Kingmaker, and Mytheon are all included: What It Is: This…

Xbox 360 Games of Spring 2010

IGN has put together another one of their quarterly video game round-ups, with this latest spring 2010 collection for the Xbox 360 featuring profiles for Alpha Protocol, Mass Effect 2: Kasumi – Stolen Memory, and Puzzle Quest 2. What It…

Alpha Protocol Interview

NowGamer has posted a generous excerpt from an Alpha Protocol interview that they’ll be publishing in the next issue of X360 magazine. Obsidian Entertainment programming producer Nathan Davis provides the answers for this particular Q&A: Does it feel like you’re…

Alpha Protocol Screenshots: Eurogamer

Eurogamer has apparently gotten their hands on seven new screenshots from Obsidian’s Alpha Protocol. Along with plenty of gunfighting, we’re shown a little moonlit martial arts action. Thanks, Justin.  

Chris Avellone Blog Q&A, Part Three

Obsidian’s Chris Avellone has returned to his blog to answer another pair of questions sent to him by the curious community, and this time the focus is on the application of game design classes and whether gamemastering a pen n’…