Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol Interview

Eurogamer is offering up an informative Alpha Protocol interview, with none other than creative designer Chris Avellone providing the answers. Eurogamer: Do you ever assemble a party to accompany you, or are we all lone rangers? Chris Avellone: You will…

Alpha Protocol Gets Steamed, Free Space Siege

Obsidian Entertainment’s Alpha Protocol is now available for pre-order on Valve’s Steam service, and any such purchases will net you a free copy of Gas Powered Games’ Space Siege. Space Siege was mediocre at best, but this is a pretty…

More Details on Alpha Protocol’s Sexual Encounters

While attending a recent press event for Alpha Protocol, was able to learn more about the game’s sexual encounters from assistant producer Matt Hickman. …Hickman said the male protagonist in Alpha Protocol can have up to four sexual encounters.…

Alpha Protocol Previews, Interview

Obsidian Entertainment’s Alpha Protocol is the subject of four more hands-on previews, as well as an interview with producer Nathan Davis. The first preview is at Joystiq: What makes Alpha Protocol so engaging is the potential for meaningful character growth.…

Alpha Protocol Beatable Without Killing Anyone

According to a post on Obsidian’s Twitter page, we’ll be able to finish Alpha Protocol without ending the life of a single enemy in the game. Learned yesterday that it’s possible to get through Alpha Protocol without killing anyone. That’s…

Alpha Protocol Interview

Following their earlier teases, Destructoid has cranked out the entire Alpha Protocol interview they recently conducted with RPG veteran Chris Avellone. Destructoid: When we saw the game at E3, we were told that there would be no true “good” or…

Alpha Protocol Preview

It’s Eurogamer’s turn to dive into the world of Alpha Protocol after receiving a hands-on demonstration of the spy-themed RPG. Alpha Protocol’s theme helps, of course – you’re not Sir Amnesiapants, with a fixed destiny to save the entire world,…

Alpha Protocol Preview

Virgin Media has been busy churning out previews this weekend, with Obsidian’s Alpha Protocol being one of the games in their crosshairs. Because you’re best buds, Grigori gives you a side mission he wants you to divert a shipment of…

Alpha Protocol Preview

NowGamer attended a recent Alpha Protocol press event and has kicked up a preview based on their impressions – complete with commentary from associate producer Nathan Davis. The most important thing that Davis wanted us to note is that Alpha…

Alpha Protocol Preview

Although it’s pretty short and doesn’t go into much detail, the new preview of Alpha Protocol on Gamestyle can be considered a quick refresher if nothing else. Not only will you be able to adopt different techniques during the game,…