Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol Podcast Interview

Obsidian Entertainment’s official website is pointing to the 71st episode of the GameHounds podcast, which features a 36-minute interview with Alpha Protocol PR and marketing producer Matthew Rorie. Topics include pre-order weapon bonuses, the saturated October release window, and more.

Alpha Protocol Release Date Announced

While we haven’t actually seen the official PR for it yet, several sites are reporting that the release date for Obsidian’s espionage RPG will be October 6th. Thanks Examiner, Big Download, and Joystiq.

Alpha Protocol Global Conspiracy Walkthrough Video

Gametrailers is hosting a new “Global Conspiracy Walkthrough” video for Alpha Protocol, in which Obsidian’s Matthew Rorie covers one of the game’s levels while also discussing character skills, weapon mods, and more. Thanks, RPGWatch.

Alpha Protocol E3 Preview

A little late to the party, is next in line with an E3-based preview of Obsidian’s Alpha Protocol. As you become further embroiled in god knows what your agent’s skills will of course increase, and as with any good…

Alpha Protocol E3 Previews

Two more previews of Alpha Protocol have surfaced on the web, both of which are presumably based on the game’s E3 demonstration. From GamePro: Almost every RPG of note has set itself in one of a handful of trite settings,…

Alpha Protocol E3 Previews

If you’re still scouring the web for more information about Alpha Protocol’s E3 presence, you’re in the right spot. The first preview is at NowGamer: After an entertaining interchange between Thornton and Sie – Alpha Protocol’s script is written by…

Alpha Protocol E3 Preview

Obsidian Entertainment’s spy-themed RPG has once again been given the E3 preview treatment, and this time it’s courtesy of TeamXbox. Nearly everything you do in Alpha Protocol earns you points this is an RPG after all. You have a PDA…

Alpha Protocol E3 Previews

More information about Obsidian’s Alpha Protocol comes at us from two more E3 previews posted over the past few days. We start at Gaming Angels: You can only go to Level 15, however, you will not max out your abilities…

Alpha Protocol E3 Preview

The guys at AtomicGamer seem to think that Alpha Protocol is heavily influenced by Mass Effect, as revealed in their new E3 preview. But there aren’t a lot of truly wrong answers for the many characters in Alpha Protocol, as…