Alpha Protocol

Obsidian Entertainment Interview with Feargus Urquhart

Feargus Urquhart is one of the most prominent figures in the role-playing video game business, having spent the last 18 years of his life contributing to it.  We’ve chatted with many of Feargus’ colleagues over the years, but never to…

Alpha Protocol E3 Preview from Kombo

The editors at Kombo are next in line to publish a preview of Alpha Protocol based on the game’s demonstration at E3. While Alpha Protocol plays out largely as an action title, it’s an RPG at heart. There are several…

Alpha Protocol E3 Preview from Kotaku

Kotaku brings us their impressions of Alpha Protocol after checking out Obsidian’s spy-themed RPG during last week’s E3. Thorton can be upgraded through ten different skills, all of which can have significant impact on the type of character he is…

Alpha Protocol Audio Interview

GamesRadar is hosting an audio interview they conducted with Obsidian Entertainment’s Nathan Davis during E3, in which the programming producer answers several minutes worth of questions about Alpha Protocol.

Alpha Protocol Developer Walkthrough Videos

GameTrailers has kicked up two separate Alpha Protocol videos that cover an entire six-minute E3 demonstration of Obsidian’s next RPG. The first video focuses on stealth gameplay, whereas the second video takes us through some of the game’s skills, abilities,…

Alpha Protocol Video Interview with G4

G4 is hosting footage of a six-minute interview they recently conducted with Obsidian Entertainment’s Matthew Rorie about Alpha Protocol. Topics include the dialogue system, the lockpicking minigame, combat skills, spy gadgets, and much more. We also get a confirmed October…

Alpha Protocol Preview of E3 Build from IGN

After receiving “an extensive preview of the E3 build”, IGN has put together a two-page preview of Obsidian Entertainment’s Alpha Protocol. Aside from direct decisions, you’re also going to shape your character through a hefty upgrade system. There are several…