Alpha Protocol Preview

GamesRadar has whipped up a fairly unique preview of Alpha Protocol, as they’ve made an effort to cover one of the game’s missions from three different perspectives: gung-ho agent, sneaky operative, and master saboteur. On taking the stealth route:

This required an altogether more sneaky approach to the mission. No longer rock-hard, we quickly realised that employing the balls-out fire fight tactic would make Thorton collapse to the floor in a heap of slow-motion deadness with alarming regularity.

No. The best way here was to exploit the stealth skills to their fullest. On-screen arrows now indicated enemy locations and temporary invisibility allowed Thorton to get close and execute fatal takedowns without being detected.

Being invisible is obviously brilliant. But the skill timer took an age to reset (something that can be reduced by attributing skills in the right places) and prevented us from simply dashing unseen through the mission and murdering everyone before they even knew we were there.

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