More Details on Alpha Protocol’s Sexual Encounters

While attending a recent press event for Alpha Protocol, was able to learn more about the game’s sexual encounters from assistant producer Matt Hickman.

…Hickman said the male protagonist in Alpha Protocol can have up to four sexual encounters. If the player cultivates close relationships with several of the female characters, the love-making can occur. Score with every woman, and you get the (Ladies’ Man) Achievement.

But if you’re not interested in watching virtual characters making whoopee (we’re sure you aren’t), you’ll also get an Achievement for remaining celibate.

However, Hickman contended that if you decide to go all the way with the women, it will be worth it.

(It’s pretty provocative,) he said. (And there’s one that actually has a couple of ways it can go depending on how you react in the middle of it.)

Wait, in (the middle) of it? To clarify, Hickman said the decision-making wouldn’t necessarily happen (during the act,) but declined to give further details so as to not ruin the story.

Use the rope and the hammer to reach the Spanish Fly, Mr. Thorton.

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