Caladon Palace – Arcanum

This guide will walk you through Caladon Palace in Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura.

arcanum map caladon palace
Map of Caladon Palace

1 – Prince Auguste Farad

You’ll find the prince pacing back and forth, too busy to talk to you. But if you give him Aria’s Amulet (from Razors Pointe), he’ll reward you with 1000 gold.

2 – Advisors

If you’re in the castle to negotiate a treaty between Caladon and Tarant, this is where you’ll find the “advisors” who will try to bribe you to see their way.

3 – Throne Room

If you’re in the castle to negotiate a treaty between Caladon and Tarant, clicking on the podium here will start the process.

4 – Barracks

You’ll find keys in one of the chests here.

5 – Starting Point

If you worked with Bullors to get into the palace, this is where you’ll start out.

6 – Vernon

If you worked with Bullors to get into the palace, then you’ll meet Vernon here. He’ll give you a key.

7 – Treasure Room

The treasures are less impressive than you might wish, and the room is filled with traps.

8 – King Farad’s Chamber

You’ll find King Farad inside. If you kill him, all of Caladon will turn against you.


A. Exit back to Caladon.
B. Stairs between the main level and the upper level.
C. Stairs between the main level and the lower level.
D. Stairs between the upper level and the lower level.
E. Vent between the lower level and King Farad’s chamber (#8).
F. Vent to Ventilation Level (not shown).

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I love RPGs, sandboxes, survival, and sim games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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