The Poacher’s Camp – Arcanum

This guide will walk you through The Poacher’s Camp in Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura.

arcanum map the poachers camp
Map of The Poacher’s Camp

The poachers will only appear if you agreed to kill them for the Bedokaan lizards. Then you can either keep your word to the lizards (and pick up all the loot from the poachers, including an elephant gun) or betray the lizards to the poachers for 1000 gold. If you betray the Bedokaan lizards, you’ll earn a fate point, but the altar to Makaal will stop working, and you might not be able to complete the Ancient Gods quest.

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I love RPGs, sandboxes, survival, and sim games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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