Arcanum Problems

There’s an interesting article over on Terra Arcanum that describes a growing problem for Sierra’s upcoming Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. As most of you already know, the game has been pushed back to a September release date in order to prepare for a world-wide release. However, a full pre-release build has been floating around in the “warez” world, and the afore-mentioned article talks about the reprecussions this pirated version is going to have on the final sales of Arcanum. Here’s an excerpt:

    I’m sure a lot of these people who went in to this figured they’d take the moral high ground when the game hits shelves. However, two months is a long time, and other games will be out then that offer multiplayer as well as a single player experience these people haven’t had yet. I can’t picture most of these people buying Arcanum after playing it for two months when they can pick up the all new Pool of Radiance 2. It is also due out at the same time. In other words, they’ll probably have moved on and want to try something new.
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