Gaseous Form

baldurs gate 3 spell transmutation gaseousform

Gaseous Form

Game: Baldur's Gate III

Level 3 Transmutation Spell

Transform yourself or an ally into a tiny gas cloud. It can’t fall, and fits through small openings. It is very hard to damage.

While transformed, the target won’t be able to attack, cast spells, or talk.

Duration: Until Long Rest
Range: 1.5m
Resource(s) Req: Spell Slot 3, Action, Concentration


  • Bard
  • Bard (College of Lore)
  • Druid (Circle of Spores)
  • Druid (Circle of the Land)
  • Sorcerer
  • Warlock (Archfey)
  • Warlock (Fiend)
  • Warlock (Great Old One)
  • Wizard
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