Hellish Rebuke

baldurs gate 3 spell hellishrebuke

Hellish Rebuke

Game: Baldur's Gate III

Level 1 Evocation Spell

React to your next attacker with flames that deal 2d10 Fire Damage.

Can Be Upcast (+1d10 Fire Damage per Spell Slot Lvl)

Damage: 2d10 Fire Damage
Attack Save: Dexterity (On Save: Target still takes half damage.)
Resource(s) Req: Spell Slot 1, Reaction


  • Bard
  • Bard (College of Lore)
  • Feat: Magic Initiate: Warlock
  • Paladin (Oathbreaker)
  • Tiefling (Asmodeus)
  • Warlock (Archfey)
  • Warlock (Fiend)
  • Warlock (Great Old One)
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