

With stealth, skill, and uncanny reflexes, rogues’ versatility lets them get the upper hand in almost any situation.

Primary Ability: Dexterity
HP: 8 + CON modifier base, 5 + CON modifier per level
Recommended Attributes (before Bonuses)
8 STR, 15 DEX, 14 CON
12 INT, 13 WIS, 10 CHA

bg3 class rogue


Class Details

A Level 1, the Rogue has access to the following abilities and features (in addition to the features of their chosen domain):

Class Features

  • Sneak Attack (Melee)
  • Sneak Attack (Range)


  • Weapons – Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows, Longswords, Shortswords, Rapiers
  • Armour – Light Armour
  • Skills – (Choose 4) Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth

Starting Equipment

  • Armour – Leather Boots, Leather Armour
  • Weapons – Shortsword
  • Consumables – Thieves’ Tools, Grease Bottle x2, Health Potion x2, Scroll of Revivify


Base Rogue class does not have access to spells and cantrips, unless the Arcane Trickster subclass is chosen.

Rogue Class Progression


LevelProficiency BonusFeaturesActions
12Expertise added to two skillsSneak Attack (Melee), Sneak Attack (Range)
22Cunning Action: Hide, Dash, Disengage
32Sublass Choice (Thief, Arcane Trickster, Assassin)
53Uncanny Dodge (Passive Feature)
63Expertise Added to two skills
73Uncanny Evasion (Passive Feature)
94Subclass Feature
114Reliable Talent (Passive Feature)

Spell Slots

The Rogue class is only given access to spell slots when the Arcane Trickster subclass is chosen at level 3.

Tips & Strategies

Which Rogue Subclass Should I Choose?

One of the nice things about choosing the rogue is it should be pretty clear on what subclass to choose based on your play style. Each of them distinct characteristics and features, making them quite unique. The more popular choice (in general and for multi-classing) is likely the Thief subclass. This is due to them gaining an extra bonus action with thier Fast Hands feature, allowing players more mobility, stealth options, and opportunities to use unique actions from other classes. This is possibly the best class for soloing areas.

The other two subclasses fit more specific power fantasies. If you are more keen on having a glass cannon rogue that can decimate enemy ranks at the start of the turn, then Assassin is the way to go. However, if using spells for your subterfuge and clandestine activities is appealing, then look no further than Arcane Trickster.

Rogue Strengths

Rogues are a good pick for the stealth enthusiasts who want a character that can spec into specific skills. This means that they can be a good main character used frequently for exploring and conversing (depending on the amount of charisma, persuasion, and perception you give them). Regardless of choice, they will probably be one of your primary tools with most out-of-combat situations.

While rogues don’t have reputations for being the strongest fighters, they can still be devastating on the battlefield. This mostly centers around their core features, which are stealth attacks and vital bonus actions. You will definitely see rogues shine more when you are able to dictate how a fights start. Surprising enemies or (even better) starting the fight from stealth is how they leverage their stealth attacks and do big damage.

When fights start with an advantage for your enemies, rogues are better suited fighting from the back in a support role. If you can find cover and use their bonus actions like ‘hide’, they can hit devastating stealth ranged attacks that may swing battles.

Rogue Weaknesses

Rogues might be the class that can find themselves in the most trouble during combat. If they are caught sneaking around groups of enemies, there is little that can be done other than running away and hoping for the best. If enemies surprise your group, and are able to attack the support characters, a rogue won’t survive more than a couple hits in most cases. As you become more familiar with the turn order, and seeing which enemies will be able to attack and when, you will be better able to navigate your rogue around these shortcomings.

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