Burning Eye Summit – Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance

The expansive summit includes three sections, one to the east and another to the west. You’ll have to explore all three to eventually proceed to the peak.


baldurs gate dark alliance walkthrough summit map
  1. Ice Cave
  2. Gnoll Camp
  3. Save Point
  4. Kolgrim Cave


1 – Ice Cave

There’s only loot in this cave, so definitely hit it.

2 – Gnoll Camp

Some gnolls are camping here.

3 – Save Point

The path forks at this save point. Heading right eventually takes you to Summit East, while heading left takes you to Summit West, heading north takes you to the peak.

4 – Kolgrim Cave

This cave is on the way to the summit. Kolgrim his hanging out here. He tells you that to get the key, you need to light the signal fire. You need fuel, a torch, and flint to light the fire. You should have the torch and flint already and Kolgrim gives you the fuel, so on to the peak.

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Lucky Boop
Lucky Boop

Strategy game enthusiast, especially Paradox titles and the Civilization series. Whenever he's not writing he spends his time watching sports, enjoying coffee, or studying history.

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