Dwarven Mining Camp – Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance

After passing through the mountainside, you reach a mining camp with a shopkeeper and unsurprisingly, a problem you’ll have to solve.


baldurs gate dark alliance dwarven mining camp map
  1. Branoch
  2. Torrgeir
  3. To Burning Eye
  4. Mine Entrance


1 – Branoch

The local shop is run by Branoch.

2 – Torrgeir

Your contact is Torrgeir, a dwarf who explains how the drow invaded the mines and forced the dwarves back to this camp. Your first priority is to get into the mines. Unfortunately, one of the dwarves ran off with the key, so you’ll have to get it. When you get back with it, he’ll tell you how to use it and you’ll be off to fight the drow. When you come back from cleaning out the mines, he’ll give you 3,000 gp.

3 – To Burning Eye

The only way out at first is to leave this way, toward Burning Eye.

4 – Mine Entrance

When you’ve returned from the Burning Eye, you can enter the mine here.

5 – To The Ice Cave

You can’t leave the map at this location until Brogan has updated your map.

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Lucky Boop
Lucky Boop

Strategy game enthusiast, especially Paradox titles and the Civilization series. Whenever he's not writing he spends his time watching sports, enjoying coffee, or studying history.

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