Sewers 2 – Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance

You’ll want to be prepared with plenty of ranged ammo before proceeding to the second level of sewers. Plenty of gelatinous creatures await you before reaching the Crypts of Ilmater.


baldurs gate dark alliance sewer two map


  1. Save Point
  2. Large Room
  3. Save Point
  4. J-E-L-L-O
  5. Next Lever
  6. Last Lever
  7. To Crypt

1 – Save Point

There are some barrels that you can ignite and a save point in this room.

2 – Large Room

This large room contains a few bugbears and a few gelatinous cubes.

3 – Save Point

A large group of kobolds hang out in this room with a couple of bugbears. When you dispatch them, there is a save point to use. Either direction you take to press on leads to a room where you must avoid steam jets.

4 – J-E-L-L-O

There are lots of gelatinous creatures in this area. Make sure you are stocked up on ranged ammo. Make your way to the back room to push one of the levers that opens the circular doors.

5 – Next Lever

More jello creatures guard the second lever needed to open the circular doors.

6 – Last Lever

Backtrack to the other fork in the steam jet puzzle path and pull the last lever.

7 – To Crypt

This stairway takes you to the Crypts of Ilmater.

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Lucky Boop
Lucky Boop

Strategy game enthusiast, especially Paradox titles and the Civilization series. Whenever he's not writing he spends his time watching sports, enjoying coffee, or studying history.

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