Heroes – Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II

There are five characters you can choose from in Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II. They each have their own skills and backstory and have each come to Baldur’s Gate for their own reasons.

Allessia Faithhammer, Cleric of Helm

baldurs gate dark alliance ii hero allessia

Allessia is a cleric of Helm, the Watcher, the Vigilant One, deity of guardians and protectors. She adventures for the cause of Good, in support of the church of Helm, and in defense of the Innocent, who she feels is her divine duty to protect. She heard of the troubles in Baldur’s Gate when a letter from Huros, her old mentor, arrived at her home in Secomber.

Allessia is powerful in melee combat and can learn many defensive and bolstering spells. She can wear any armor, but cannot wield great weapons or bows.

Borador ‘Goldhand’, Dwarven Treasure-Hunter

baldurs gate dark alliance ii hero borador

Borador is a treasure-hunter, a particularly tough breed of rogue who adventures for the singular purpose of looting otherwise unclaimed wealth from ruins, monster lairs, and other extremely dangerous places. Foul-mouthed, greedy, and taciturn, Borador refuses to speak of his past, and his clan-name is a closely-guarded secret… he has, however, been given the moniker “Goldhand” for his legendary avarice.

Borador is a decent combatant who excels with a crossbow and has numerous “treasure-hunting” abilities that allow him to foil traps and collect extra loot from monsters and chests. Like many dwarves, he also has a penchant for explosives. He cannot wear a shield or medium or heavy armor without training, and cannot use great weapons or bows.

Dorn Readbear, Human Barbarian

baldurs gate dark alliance ii hero dorn

Dorn is a massive, carousing, thrill-seeking barbarian from one of the many tribes that roams the plains of the Western Heartlands. He adventures for the glory and sheer thrill of it.

Dorn is an exceptional melee combatant who earns many powerful special attacks. As a barbarian, he is fleet of foot and able to go berserk in battle, but cannot wear heavy armor without training.

Vhaidra Uoswiir, Drow Monk

baldurs gate dark alliance ii hero vhaidra

Vhaidra fled Menzoberranzan when her family fell under attack by a coalition of other noble houses. Driven by a cruel mixture of rigid honor and seething hatred, Vhaidra now adventures to hone her already deadly martial skills… all in preparation for her triumphant and bloody return. Her half-sister Ulua awaits her arrival in Baldur’s Gate; Vhaidra intends to use the troubles there for her own benefit.

As a monk, Vhaidra is a quick, hard-hitting combatant who can learn a wide variety of special attacks and abilities. She cannot wear a shield or medium or heavy armor without training, and cannot use great weapons.

Ysuran Auondril, Elven Necromancer

baldurs gate dark alliance ii hero ysuran

The brooding, mysterious Ysuran has few memories to speak of… stumbling into the Graycloak Hills and being wordlessly turned away by his moon elf kin there… carrying a black tome, presumably his, from which he learned his name and trade: necromancer, a wizard specializing in the dark art of death magic. While traveling to Baldur’s Gate to seek answers from the well-known sage Omduil, he hears of the troubles plaguing the great port city…

Ysuran is a potent spell-caster who, despite his poor physical combat ability, can grow to become awesomely powerful. As a necromancer who has chosen evocation as his school of opposition, he is very skilled with spells that create, modify, or destroy life force, but cannot use spells such as fireball or lightning bolt. He cannot wear any armor without training or wield great weapons or bows.

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I love RPGs, sandboxes, survival, and sim games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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