Red Fang Goblin Lair – Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II

This guide will walk you through the Red Fang Lair in the prelude of Baldur’s Gate II: Dark Alliance.

1 – Ambush

After another brief cut scene, you’ll have to take care of a goblin ambush. Watch your health meter and use the block button, because they can take you down if you don’t have a high armor class. Continue north through the cave to the next save point.

2 – Three Gates

All three gates are locked at the moment, but the key is in a chest sitting in the northeast passage.

3 – Glory

If you take the west gate, you’ll find some goblins at church. Be sure to loot the chest behind the altar.

4 – Toadstool

Taking the east gate, you find a pond with four toadstools. You’ll have to take some poison damage from them if you want what’s in the chest. There is also an exit to an area called the Dark Cave here.

5 – North Gate

Take the north gate last and explore to the northwest.

6 – Jail Break

Get the cell key from the chest in the northwest room and open the cell doors to save the prisoners. Explore the north passage on your way to the second cell block.

7 – Loot

If you want to loot the east room in the north passage, don’t destroy all the barrels in the next room. Push one back so you can jump on it to get over the crates that block your way.

8 – Another Jail Break

Free the prisoners in the next cell block to the east and you’ll get 500 gp and 500 xp. Unfortunately, the caravan master isn’t among the prisoners, so you’ll have ot keep searching.

9 – Pond

You can search the room with the pond that you missed by taking the north passage, but watch out for the poison toadstools again.

10 – Exit

Go back to the east to enter Bile-Tooth’s Treasury.

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I love RPGs, sandboxes, survival, and sim games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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