Zarad’s Clock Tower – Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II

This guide will walk you through Zarad’s Clock Tower in Chapter Three of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II.

1 – Zarad

You can only enter the tower if you are playing Ysuran and have paid Omduil to tell you to look for it. As soon as you enter, you meet up with Zarad, your former master. He’s not really happy to see you and sets his golems on you. The first level is pretty linear. Keep moving until you get to a room with a save point.

2 – Bookcase

Push a bookcase on the north wall to enter a secret room that you can loot. Go back south until you hit another save point.

3 – More Bookcases

Press the bookcase across from the save point to reach another hidden area.

4 – Zarad’s Bell Tower

Head back east, through a room with a bunch of pillars that shoot things at you and you will eventually hit another bookcase that leads to another room you can loot. Go north until you can’t anymore and you’ll find yet another bookcase to the east. This room has an exit that leads to Zarad’s Bell Tower. I won’t provide a map, since it’s a small room and a straight shot to a chest in the back that has the key to Zarad’s Study, which you’ll need.

5 – Steel Golem

Go west until you hit a door to the south. You’ll have to defeat a steel golem in this room to get to the exit.

6 – To Study

The door behind the steel golem leads to Zarad’s Study.

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I love RPGs, sandboxes, survival, and sim games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.

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