This guide will walk you through the Pocket Plane in the Throne of Bhaal expansion for Baldur’s Gate II. This area’s code in the game files is AR4500.
Map of the Pocket Plane
The first time you arrive in this Pocket Plane, you’ll be met by a Solar. She’ll tell you that you’re “unready to assume your destiny” and that she wants to help you, but then she’ll leave before saying anything helpful. Afterwards, the spirit of Sarevok will confront you. He’ll ask you to sacrifice “the smallest fraction of your soul” to make him alive again. There isn’t any downside to doing this — and it’s required to progress in the game, so you might as well agree. If you refuse, and if Imoen is in your party, then she’ll give up a piece of her soul instead. Otherwise, Sarevok will just wait for you to eventually agree.
When Sarevok (a chaotic-evil human fighter) is returned to mortality, he’ll become available as a companion. He’ll also tell you a few things about the Pocket Plane, including that the exit portal (Exit A) will only take you “where you need to be,” and that you’ll need to face several challenges while you’re here. Sarevok will then open the way to the first challenge (#4). You’ll have to pass this challenge before you can leave the Pocket Plane.
Note: Before heading to the challenge, you might want to talk to the Fate Spirit (#1), who can summon companions to you.
Each time you defeat one of the major Bhaalspawn enemies in the expansion pack, the Solar will summon you back to the Pocket Plane. She’ll continue your education, revealing things about your past, your place in Alaundo’s prophecy, and who your enemies truly are. She’ll also unlock the remaining four challenges (#5-8).
You’ll need to pass all of the challenges in the Pocket Plane before you can face your final opponent in the game. Leaving the Pocket Plane at that point will lock you into the endgame sequence, so be sure you’ve done all of the shopping and exploring you plan to do before departing.
1 – Fate Spirit
If you interact with the carvings in the base of the walls here, then you’ll meet a Fate Spirit, who will offer to summon companions to you. Any living companion will be available, so unless you went on a murderous rampage in SOA, you should be able to summon anybody other than Yoshimo.
2 – Containers
You can use these containers to store excess equipment. Nothing stored here will disappear.
3 – Cespenar
Wandering around in this part of the Pocket Plane, you’ll meet Cespenar the imp. He’ll describe himself as a “butler” who can make “shiny ones.” Cespenar is essentially a more colorful version of Cromwell from SOA. See Cespenar’s page for more information about when he can make for you.
4 – First Challenge
This challenge will become available after you’ve defeated Illasera in the Forest of Tethir. When you enter the challenge chamber, you’ll meet the (dead) Bhaalspawn Gavid, who will tell you that he couldn’t help but murder the people around him. He’ll then talk about retribution before disappearing. When he’s gone, you’ll get attacked by a series of creatures, which will depend on your alignment:
If you’re good or neutral, then you’ll face doppelgangers, drow priestesses, drow warriors, gnoll captains, kobold commandos, ogre mages, and then Jon Irenics at the end (worth about 72,000 xp total).
If you’re evil, then you’ll face commoners, elven warriors, knights of the order, and then Ellisime at the end (worth about 90,000 xp total).
Either way, at the end of the battle your main character will earn 30,000 xp, and your other characters will earn 25,000 xp. Your main character will also gain the Pocket Plane ability, which will allow you to return to the Pocket Plane at any time. Finally, for beating the challenge, the exit portal (Exit A) will start working, which will allow you to travel to Saradush.
5 – Second Challenge
This challenge will become available after you’ve defeated Yaga-Shura at the Siege Camp. In it, you’ll face a version of your character from a different reality where Gorion rescued Sarevok and left you behind. This character will have Angelo (fighter/thief), Semaj (mage), and Tamoko (kensai) by its side — all characters you might remember from the end of Baldur’s Gate.
The alternate version of your character should be by far the most powerful enemy in the challenge, so we’d recommend taking that character down first and then mopping up the rest. You’ll earn 45,000 xp for winning the battle, and then your character will earn 30,000 xp and all of your companions will earn 25,000 xp for passing the challenge.
Afterwards, if your character is non-evil, then the challenge room will turn into an oasis, where the water pools will heal you. Otherwise, if you’re evil, then the challenge room will turn into a hellscape, where the lava pools will burn you.
6 – Third Challenge
This challenge will become available after you’ve defeated Abazigal in Abazigal’s Lair or Sendai in Sendai’s Enclave. In it, you’ll either face your innocence (if you’re non-evil) or your doubt (if you’re evil). No matter what you say, you’ll end up fighting the Slayer. The Slayer will only attack your main character, and it’ll drain levels, so make sure you buff up with Negative Plane Protection.
The battle should be pretty easy if you’re playing a melee character, but perhaps tougher if you’re playing a mage. If it’s a struggle for you, then you can always have your main character run around while the rest of your party kills the Slayer. You’ll earn 25,000 xp when the Slayer dies, and then your main character will earn 30,000 xp and all of your companions will earn 25,000 xp for passing the challenge.
7 – Fourth Challenge
This challenge will become available after you’ve defeated Abazigal in Abazigal’s Lair or Sendai in Sendai’s Enclave (whichever one you didn’t defeat to unlock the third challenge, #6). In it, you’ll meet Cyric, the current Lord of Murder. No matter what you say to him, he’ll decide to test you by sending three of his favored — that is, assassins — against you. The favored ones will quaff Potions of Invisibility and then try to backstab you, so make sure you have someone with True Seeing. You can also take advantage of the grace period before the battle to set some traps.
You’ll earn 75,000 for defeating the favored ones, and then your main character will earn 30,000 xp and all of your companions will earn 25,000 xp for passing the challenge.
8 – Fifth Challenge
This final challenge will become available after you’ve defeated Balthazar in the Amkethran Monastery. In it, you’ll face off against the Ravager, a super-sized version of the Slayer. The Ravager is tough:
It has 534 hit points and really good resistances (including 90% magic resistance).
It’ll summon up to four Bone Blades and re-summon any that you kill (and Death Fog won’t dispel them).
It’ll cast Blade Barrier every so often (but you’ll only need Breach to remove it).
It and the Bone Blades will hit you hard.
So be prepared for a tough fight. What we’d recommend is keeping your melee fighters attacking the Ravager, unless the Blade Barrier is up, and then moving them away until you can breach it (unless you’re using Carsomyr +6 or The Unholy Reaver +5: Ir’revrykal, which will dispel the effect for you). Don’t bother attacking the Bone Blades too much unless they’re harassing your casters. Summon lots of junk to distract the Bone Blades (Mordenkainen’s Swords and Planetars are good for this). Use at least +5 weapons. Use Greater Whirlwind Attacks. If you want to damage the Ravager with spells, then cast Pierce Magic first (and not Lower Resistance, to which he’s immune).
You’ll earn 50,000 xp when the Ravager dies, plus 2500 xp for each Bone Blade that you killed. Then once everything is dead, your main character will earn 30,000 xp and all of your companions will earn 25,000 xp for passing the challenge.
A) Exit portal.
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I love RPGs, sandboxes, survival, and sim games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.