This guide will walk you through Waukeen’s Promenade in the city of Athkatla in Baldur’s Gate II. This area’s code in the game files is AR0700.
Map of Waukeen’s Promenade
1 – Starting Point
This is where you’ll start out after escaping from Irenicus’ Dungeon. You’ll see Irenicus here, but before you can do anything, he and Imoen will get arrested by the Cowled Wizards for “unsanctioned use of magical energy.” At the end of the cut scene, every member of your party will earn 34,500 xp.
2 – Hes
Hes will sell you a variety of basic weapons, armor, potions, and ammunition.
3 – Galoomp the Bookkeeper
Galoomp will sell you protection scrolls and spell scrolls, plus a Scroll Case.
4 – Mithrest Inn
You might need to visit this inn for Keldorn’s companion quest. Otherwise, it and the people inside aren’t important for anything.
Outside the Circus Tent (Exit B), you’ll meet an Amnian Soldier and a boy named Giran. The soldier will block you from entering the tent. He’ll tell you that only an animal trainer (#9) has come out of it since the morning show started, including a few people sent in to investigate. But if you tell the soldier that you can handle yourself, then he’ll move out of the way and let you enter.
Meanwhile, Giran will tell you that his mother went into the Circus Tent to see the show. You’ll be able to rescue her when you go inside. See the Circus Tent page for more information.
9 – Fearghus
Fearghus the animal trainer will give you some hints about what you’ll see inside the Circus Tent (Exit B). He’ll tell you that “the tent got all wavy,” and that the spectators started changing, “like their skin was melting.” That is, you’ll be dealing with illusions when you go there.
10 – Lord and Lady Ophal
The couple here will act awfully — or maybe offally or ophally — towards you. To gain revenge, you can pickpocket five Potions of Extra Healing from Lord Ophal.
11 – Jerlia the Ore Merchant
During the day, you’ll meet Jerlia the ore merchant here. She’s involved in the Sir Sarles quest from the Temple District.
12 – Quataris
Quataris is a seller of paintings, but you won’t be able to buy anything from him. He’s not involved in any quests.
13 – Maheer the Storekeep
During the day, you’ll meet a storekeep / weaponsmith here, who will introduce himself as Maheer yn Kadar el Saddith. He’ll sell you a variety of weapons, including a Quarterstaff +1, a Sling +1, and a Spear +1. He’ll also have +1 and +2 ammunition in stock. Moreover, if you ask Maheer about special weapons, then he’ll reveal that he makes horns. This will become relevant once you’ve picked up the Silver Horn of Valhalla (found in the Bridge District). The storekeep will be able to upgrade it:
Note: Deidre was introduced in the Collector’s Edition version of the game, and was later made available in a free content patch. So if she’s not in your game, you should be able to add her for free. Deidre is a part of the Enhanced Edition by default.
Lady Yuth
She’ll let you know that Corneil in the Government District sells magic licenses. She’ll also sell you numerous “illegal” protection and spell scrolls, plus a Scroll Case.
You can also steal a Ring of Regeneration from Ribald. You’ll need a high enough Pick Pockets skill for this, but — conveniently enough — Ribald will have a Potion of Master Thievery available, which should do the trick.
16 – Enge’s Shop
Inside this shop, Enge will sell you basic weapons and armor, plus a Large Shield +1.
17 – Arnolinus and Perter’s Shop
Inside this shop, you’ll meet Arnolinus and Perter. Arnolinus will have armor for sale, including +1 and +2 shields. Perter will have bows and ammunition for sale, including magical ammunition.
The storekeep here will have basic weapons, ammunition, and armor for sale. He’ll also have some +1 ammunition.
20 – Belmin Gergas
When you talk to Belmin, you’ll learn that he isn’t a fan of elves. If you have any elves or half-elves in your party, then he’ll yell at them, but if you have Viconia with you, then he’ll get so mad that he’ll attack her — and probably die pretty quickly. Unfortunately, killing Belmin will cause any nearby Amnian soldiers to turn hostile, and killing them will cost you some Reputation.
21 – Radeel
If Minsc is in your party, then Radeel will tell you that he’s looking for Calimshan, and Minsc (presumably with Boo’s help) will give him directions for how to get there. This will cause Radeel to leave. Otherwise, Radeel will just complain about the quality of the market.
M) Map exit. You’ll only be allowed to go to the Slums District the first time you exit the map.
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I love RPGs, sandboxes, survival, and sim games. Anything that lets me build and decorate or just has a really good story. I've spent hundreds of hours in Bethesda games and even more time modding them. I also play a lot of World of Warcraft.