Anthill 2 – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through the second level of the Anthill in Act II of Champions of Norrath.


I guess because it’s a lower level, there’s less light in this series of tunnels. There are more of the really big mammothants down here, but unfortunately the tunnels are narrower, so they pretty much just turn in circles while you snipe them. This level is also more linear than the other, meaning that the path takes you in a straight line instead of a circle.


Eventually, you’ll reach a save point, which is your cue that a boss fight is about to occur. This one can be fairly hard if you lose your head and run from the Queen Ant. Instead of getting swarmed by all her minions, stand your ground when the fight starts. Block her stinger attack until she flies away, then hit her with ranged weapons and spells, or swing at her as shes turning.

3 – EXIT

Kill all the other ants ont he level, then proceed through the tunnel behind the now defunct egg sac the Queen was attached to. The tunnel leads back up to the surface where Olak greets you and rewards you with 2500 gold. Stinmir will now give you a discount when you shop with him. It’s time to head toward the lava fields, so go back to the portal and take a left to talk to Melman Froes, the mayor of Blackdelve Reach.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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