Erudite Wizard – Champions of Norrath

champions of norrath character eruditewizard


Possessing great intelligence, the erudite wizard is not as skilled in hand-to-hand combat, but more than makes up for this shortfall with a devastating arsenal of magical abilities.


Able to deal damage from great distances. Can imbue weapons with elemental energy.


Not proficient in melee combat. Limited in weapon usage. May not use shields.


champions of norrath skill froststorm

Frost Storm unleashes a frigid storm cloud that travels away from your character, raining shards of ice on enemies. As the skill rank rises, the damage caused by the storm, the size of the cloud, its speed, and its duration all increase.

champions of norrath skill boltofshock

Bolt of Shock sends of bolt of lightning coursing toward your character’s enemy to cause damage. As the skill rank rises, the damage caused by the bolt increases. At higher skill ranks, the bolt will begin to jump from one enemy target to others nearby, causing additional damage.

champions of norrath skill wizardbeam

Wizard Beam fires a continuous beam of energy from your character at the target, causing damage. Tendrils of energy will also sprout off from the target to strike other enemies within range as well. The Wizard Beam lasts as long as you hold down the special ability button, or until your character runs out of mana.

champions of norrath skill coldweapons

Cold Weapons imbues your weapon with magical cold, causing additional damage to your enemy. As the skill rank rises, damage and duration of the enchantment increase. At higher skill ranks, the cold effect will be granted to the weapons of nearby friends.

champions of norrath skill shockoffire

Shock of Fire launches a bolt of fire at your enemy, causing damage. Damage increases as your character’s skill rank rises. At higher skill ranks, the bolt will explode, engulfing nearby targets in a ball of flame.

champions of norrath skill lightningweapons

Lightning Weapons imbues your weapon with an electrical charge, shocking your enemies for additional damage while in effect. Damage and duration of the enchantment increase as skill rank rises. At higher skill ranks, the enchantment will be granted to the weapons of nearby friends.

champions of norrath skill fireflares

Fire Flares creates a number of circling flames around your character that will impact an enemy within range, causing damage. As skill rank rises, the number of flares, their duration, and the damage they cause increases. At higher skill ranks, the flares will explode to cause damage to enemies within its radius.

champions of norrath skill firestorm

Fire Storm ignites a torrent of flames in the area surrounding the target, causing damage to the target and nearby enemies. Higher skill ranks increase the damage caused, the storm’s duration, and the size of the area the storm affects.

champions of norrath skill coneoffrost

Cone of Frost creates a cone-shaped area of bitter cold before your character, damaging all enemies caught within it and lasting as long as you hold the activating button, or until your character’s mana is depleted. Higher skill ranks increase the damage caused by the cone, as well as its length and area.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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