Faydark Ruins 2 – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through the second level of the Faydark Ruins in Act I of Champions of Norrath.


Much like the upper level, the lower Ruins level is crawling with spiders. You can hang around killing them as they respawn, but you’re saddled with Oetheilas, whose health doesn’t regenerate. You probably won’t be able to just run to the door at the end of the level, because Oetheilas uses a bow, so he’ll stop every time he sees a spider and the other spiders will swarm him. So, kill the ones that are threatening you or him, but move on before the next wave respawns. Now, when you get to the door to the Underworld, Oetheilas will open it and you can save your game before going back to finish off the other spiders on the level without Oetheilas cramping your style. There’s a decent amount of xp to be had for doing this, if you have the patience.


When you go through the door that Oetheilas opened, the orc chief will be waiting for you. Why wouldn’t he have opened the door if he wanted to kill you so bad? Who knows. After a lengthy speech, which you again listen to patiently instead of taking a swing at him, he’ll run off again and send a big spider after you. The fight with Shelob, sorry Shelox, is another patience test. Her hardest hitting attack comes from her jaws. To avoid it, you’ll have to stay far enough away that your momentum will prevent her spiderweb from pulling you into her mouth. Run in a big circle to avoid being hit by the webs and poison and hit her with ranged weapons and spells when you get the opportunity. When she finally goes down, you’ll enter the Underworld and ACT 2.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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