Innoruuk’s Lair – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through Innoruuk’s Lair in Act IV of Champions of Norrath.


So, Innoruuk promises you suffering beyond imagination, blah blee blah. Firiona tells you to break all the seals on the platform to free her. If you concentrate on doing that and don’t bother with Innoruuk, who you can’t hurt at this point, you’ll do fine. When you approach her after breaking the seals, she’ll take you up to the Plane of Air.


Up at the plane of Air, Firiona tells you that the only way to defeat Innoruuk is to cleanse yourself of hate. To do that, you’ll need to go to the save point and take a left. There are two gazebo type things at the end of the path and either can be used to do that.


When you return to her, she’ll send you to Innoruuk and tell you to “use this steel” to take him out, but I looked all through my inventory and didn’t see anything that had been added. Then you take on Innoruuk, who mistakenly thinks that you can’t harm him because you are still consumed by hatred. Innoruuk has some nasty melee and magic attacks that can finish you off pretty quickly. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, you can hide from him long enough that he forgets to look for you and you can then shoot him with arrows, while he stands there like a schmuck wondering why he suddenly resembles a leaky pin cushion. Anyway, killing him should result in his dropping a class-specific high-value special weapon and some other good loot. After a while, you get the obligatory epilogue that lets you know that everything was good for a while after you finished the job, but it won’t last. Apparently the vampire lord will feature prominently in the sequel. After this, you get the option to save your game, so that the game will know that you are allowed to play on the next difficulty level, should to decide to wade through again. Strangely, you get no credit sequence.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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