Kelethin – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through Kelethin in Act I of Champions of Norrath.

Kelethin Map



After creating your character, you start out the game in front of Leithkorias the Elf Lord, who also goes by the name of the Heartwood Master. He tells you that a particularly nasty orcish chief has gathered an army and that you need to stop him. You’re intructed to purchase some equipment from the shop here in Kelethin, then sent on your way.


Head north until you are forced into a conversation with Thareil, the elevator guard. He tells you that you won’t be able to go down into Faydark forest until you take out the Goblins that are attacking the northern part of the area you’re in. Once you’ve killed all 41 Goblins to the north, you’ll want to return here and descend to Lesser Faydark.


Heading north past the elevator, you find Nenmar, the local merchant. You’ll probably want to purchase some equipment from him right away (what you can afford, anyway), but remember that you can always return here later to sell all of your extra equipment and to try and upgrade your existing equipment.


North of Nenmar, you’ll find a portal. Passing a portal activates it and allows you to warp to other portals you’ve activated in the current chapter. Since this is the first one you’ve activated, it’s useless for the moment. It will prove useful later on, though, because you can return to it from any other portal in order to buy and sell equipment at area #3.


Here you’ll find the first save point of the game. Since the game is pretty challenging when you are low-level, so be sure to save often. A nice feature of the game, though, is that you can merely walk up to a save point to “soft save”, meaning that if you are killed, you’ll reaapear at that save point automatically. Just be sure to save your game the hard way before turning the game off or fighting one of the game’s many “boss” monsters.


Head left or right after the save point. It doesn’t really matter which, because you’ll make a big circuit back there. When you get back, you should have killed all the Goblins on the level and get a pop-up that says you are allowed to use the lift again. Head there and enter the Faydark Forest.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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