Mermaid Island – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through the Mermaid Island in Act III of Champions of Norrath.


When you enter this map and start to explore, note the cave not far from the entrance. I missed it the first time through and wandered around for a good long time not knowing where it was. Follow the very narrow path to the right and you’l stumble upon a cut scene.


You’ve managed to find a tarty little mermaid who has come up to the surface to find shells and get some sun. She says she’ll reward you for finding a conch shell, but this game is rated T, so shame on you for thinking that the reward wouldn’t be plot related. When you bring her back the conch shell, she’ll give you a blessing that allows you breath water like it was air while you are in the Pit. You’ll then be able to explore that underwater cave all the kids have been raving about.


You’ll find a functioning portal near the mermaid, and if you continue on, some more frog men and a mini-boss in the form of a giant frog-type-man with a large flail. He’s ridiculously easy to beat, if you make him follow you back to where the path is very narrow. He’s too big to follow you down it, so give him a skirt made out of arrows.


Head back to where you first encountered him and you’ll find a cave, which is described as leading to “Into Caves”, oddly enough.


I won’t do a map, because it’s really a straight shot through and there are only frogmen to deal with. When you get to the other end, there will be an opening that leads to the Western Island.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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