Orc Cave 3 – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through the third level of the Orc Cave in Act I of Champions of Norrath.


Close to the entry area, you’ll see that the path branches off to the left and right. There are orcs and loot in the alcoves down these paths, but the main path goes straight ahead to a portal.


Moving past the portal, you’ll trigger a cut scene where the level boss, Groff Dunhammer and a couple of his lackeys step up to take you on. This fight isn’t that hard, especially if you can keep the lackeys in a group and use an area of effect spell. I used disease bolt so I could snipe them with arrows when the disease forced them out of their block position. This strategy worked on Groff until I ran out of arrows, but he’s another boss who can’t hurt you while you’re blocking. If you’re patient, you can stand there blocking until his programming forces him to go back to his patrol route and hit him in the back when he turns around.


When you’ve beaten Groff and his minions, turn the wheel behind them to open the gates. You’re told to return to Greater Faydark at this point and you can use the portal to do so.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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