Tower of Clouds – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through the Tower of Clouds in Act III of Champions of Norrath.


The Tower of Clouds is like a big castle wall in the sky. You’ll mostly fight dark elves, but there are also cloud giants wandering around.


Eventually, you’ll find a second save point. Follow the path leading away from it and you trigger a cut scene in which the Cloud Giant King says he’s been expecting you but doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about. Not only can you exploit his programming to get him to stand still while you snipe at him, you can also use this fight to go up a bunch of levels. To do this, take the Cloud Giant King’s health almost to zero, then go back to the save point and use a gate scroll. Buy twenty or so exploding potions, then gate back to the save point and drop all your stuff around it. Save your game, then start a new one and create a new character. Save the game with that character in another slot, then load the original saved game and import the level one character into it. Kill the Cloud Giant King with the exploding potions and you will instantly become level 19.


Rondo’s brother Lazlo sits in a cage behind the area that the Cloud King appeared from. You’ll get a conversation with him after you kill the giant. He tells you that he had the Horn of Ill Omen, but he threw it in the ocean. He will help you get it if you free him. You should have the key to his cell by now, but don’t ask me where you picked it up, because I still have no idea. When you let him free, he’ll lead you to a broken portal that will take you to an icy ship’s graveyard.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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