Water’s Edge Cave – Champions of Norrath

This guide will walk you through the Water’s Edge Cave in Act III of Champions of Norrath.


I wasn’t really sure what the trident-weilding frogmen were called in Faerun and I’m not sure what they are called in Norrath, either, so I’ll continue to refer to them as frog-men. At least, unlike the undead, they are affected by my disease spells.


After spelunking for a bit, you’ll enter a chamber and receive the message that your game has automatically been saved, which takes alot of the suspense out of the next part, in which you approach a bound and gagged man who, of course, says “It’s a trap” when you remove his gag. You then have to fight some dark elves, who he tells you are slavers. They apparently answer to the orc chief, because he told them to ambush you. After thanking you, Rondo tells you that he’s going to open his shop back in Water’s Edge again. It’s conveniant that his shop is located near the portal and save point you found earlier, and that he had one at all, considering that all you’ve seen on the island so far is one castaway. I just want to editorialize for a moment because the slaver to potential slave ratio on this island is pointedly ridiculous and bolsters the claims of people who think these games are too dumbed-down. But I digress – let’s find an orc to mess up real bad. Head through the portal that you find behind Rondo and you’ll be warped to another one of the tropical islands.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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