Champions of Norrath

Champions of Norrath Q&S #5

The EQVault continues their weekly “Q&S” feature for Champions of Norrath, in which they ask another question to the game’s developers and post an exclusive screenshot. In this fifth installment, they talk with assistant producer, Todd Carson, about the multiplayer…

Champions of Norrath Preview

1Up has put together a preview of Champions of Norrath, Sony’s upcoming PS2 game based in the EverQuest universe. Their conclusion to follow: Champions of Norrath is coming a bit later than previously anticipated — the release date’s been moved…

Champions of Norrath Q&S #4

The EQVault continues their weekly “Q&S” feature for Champions of Norrath, in which they ask another question to the game’s developers and post an exclusive screenshot. In this fourth installment, they talk with producer, Rob Hill, about the random dungeon…

Champions of Norrath Q&S #3

The EQVault continues their weekly “Q&S” feature for Champions of Norrath, in which they ask another question to the game’s developers and post an exclusive screenshot. In this third installment, they talk with associate producer, Todd Carson, about the game’s…

Champions of Norrath Preview & Interview

GamingWorldX has conducted an interview with Snowblind Studios’ Brian Johnson and Brian Sostrom, asking the lead environmental artists several questions about Champions of Norrath. Check it out: Q: What have some of the greater challenges been in creating Champions of…

Champions of Norrath Q&S #2

The EQVault continues their weekly “Q&S” feature for Champions of Norrath, in which they ask another question to the game’s developers and post an exclusive screenshot. In this second installment, they talk with the game’s associate producer, Todd Carson, about…

Champions of Norrath Q&S #1

The EQVault has begun a new weekly feature in which they post a question & answer with one of the Champions of Norrath developers, as well as an exclusive screenshot. In this first installment, they talk with the producer, Rob…

Champions of Norrath Screenshots

WorthPlaying has dished up seven screenshots from Champions of Norrath, the upcoming PS2 action RPG from Sony Online and Snowblind Studios.

Champions of Norrath Preview

GameSpot has dished up an updated preview of Champions of Norrath, based upon a recent build of the game they were able to get their hands on. Here’s a snip of what they had to say: The character development system…

Champions of Norrath Preview

The guys at Frictionless Insight have put together a preview of Sony’s upcoming PS2 title, Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest. Here’s a bit of what they have to say: Action in Champions of Norrath centers on combat, but there…