Armory / War Room (Good) – Champions: Return to Arms

This guide will walk you through the Armory / War Room in the Plane of War as a good-aligned player in Champions: Return to Arms.


EnemiesWarriors (gladiators)
SpecialShard of War (end of plane boss)
Saves3 total: start, middle, just before boss
PortalEnd (locked by boss)
BossesPlane of War boss: Rellos Zek
ExitsField of Strife (previous area), No exit (end of plane)


The warriors in this area are not terribly difficult, especially since many stand in a set location until attacked or you get very close. Instead of attacking all at once, often one will attack and other warriors will watch the duel instead of joining in the fray. The last attack in their combo is a knockdown attack, officially known as a stun attack. If they start to glow red, then jump back to avoid it as you will still be knocked down if blocking. While satisfying to use the many bombs on the level against the warriors, it is likely faster to kill them without the bombs.

From the save point, go to the lower level first to the dead-end. Use ranged attacks against the warriors on the higher level for four easy kills. There are two chests down the side passage to the right, with many warriors standing around waiting to be sniped with your ranged attacks from a higher level. Past the 2nd save point, look out for warriors hiding behind large boxes. Many will stay stationary until you are adjacent to them so they can flank you. Walking four steps forward and three back will ensure that you fight them one at a time. The passage to the left leads to a few more warriors and the last chest, while the passage straight leads to the 3rd and final save point just before the boss for the plane. Make sure you are done with anything you want to do on this level before passing the 3rd save point, because you won’t be able to go back.

Rellos Zek: Plane of War End Boss

Ensure you have enough potions before dropping to the lower level after the 3rd save point as it will start the cutscene and the fight with Rellos Zek. Zek can be very easy to beat in a multiplayer game if one player is well on the other side of the save point when it starts. That player can stay on the higher level and safely use ranged attacks against Rellos Zek and resurrect any teammates using the save point.

Any characters that drop down should immediately start moving to the left or right to avoid Zek’s first and likely only ranged attack. All of Zek’s attacks have a chance to stun, though that chance is decreased substantially if you are blocking. If you get knocked down, it is very likely that Zek will simply walk over and finish you off before you get up. Rellos Zek has a high armor rating so you will need to have a high attack rating for your hits to connect for damage. If you see your ranged weapons bouncing off of him, then they didn’t do any damage.

Zek walks slowly so stay out of reach and use a ranged attack (if effective) until he starts his sword-in-the-floor ground pound attack. This will stun even if blocking, so instead get behind him and attack. You should get a few swings in before he turns around, but don’t get greedy and take too long or he will turn around and step on you. When Rellos Zek’s hit points are gone, he walks away rather than dying but he leaves behind treasure as well as the Shard of War. Picking up the Shard of War unlocks the portal. Once you have the Shard, return to Firiona Vie to end the Plane of War and open the Plane of Innovation.

Most Efficient Route

Follow the right wall until the second save point; then follow the left wall.

Fastest Route

Follow the left wall until the second save point; then follow the right wall.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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