Characters – Champions: Return to Arms

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Barbarian Warrior

Your standard brawn over brains character who’s proficient with all weapons, treats mana as a combat resource that’s gained by fighting, scoffs at magic. If you want to deal physical damage while honoring your ancestors, the Barbarian Warrior is the character for you.

Dark Elf Shadowknight

A combination fighter, necromancer, and disease-based spellcaster, the Dark Elf Shadowknight is as versatile as the shades of black your goth neighbor likes to wear. In other words, if you pick this character, you should stay away from disease-immune enemies, but everything else should be easy pickings for you.

Erudite Wizard

Elemental spells for any occasion, weapon enchantments, and an intellect vast enough to know how to properly color match robes with any headdress, no matter how elaborate – that’s the Erudite Wizard for you.

High Elf Cleric

The High Elf Cleric is a holly warrior who heals and supports the team, eats undead for breakfast, and can even convert enemies to the holy cause. And if all that fails, there’s always the trusty mace to fall back on.

Iksar Shaman

A primitive lizardman priest with access to assorted spiritual attacks, a pet badger, and some nice healing abilities, the Iksar Shaman also regenerates faster than other characters.

Vah Shir Berserker

A reckless feline warrior, the Vah Shir Berserker is adept at throwing axes and sacrificing his defensive abilities in order to get an offensive edge.

Wood Elf Ranger

On a roster packed to the brim with elves, the Wood Elf Ranger is the ultimate elf who’s good at both ranged and melee combat, and has access to some helpful spells on top of that. Because when your ears are pointy in just the right way, you can have it all.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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