Dark Elf Shadowknight – Champions: Return to Arms

champions return to arms character darkelfshadowknight


Strong and cunning, the dark elf shadowknight brings combat prowess and skill with dark magic together in a powerful combination.


Can summon the undead. Uses corrosive short and long range spells.


Weaker against disease immune enemies. Spells cost more percentage of mana.


champions return to arms skill bindwound

Bind Wound improves your health regeneration rate with each skill rank. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill bluntweapons

Blunt Weapons is your skill at using blunt weapons, such as hammers and maces. The damage you inflict with such weapons increases as your character’s skill rank rises. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill convertundead

Convert Undead causes an undead enemy to begin working for your character for the duration of the effect. Non-undead creatures and undead of particularly strong will are immune to conversion. As the skill rank rises, the number of undead enemies your character may have converted at the same time increases, as does the duration of the conversions. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill diseaseblade

Disease Blade taints the shadowknight’s weapon with disease, infecting enemies struck by the weapon. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill diseasebolt

Disease Bolt fires a bolt of contagion at your enemy that causes damage as well as disease that will continue to damage the target. As the skill rank rises, the initial damage, the subsequent damage from disease, and its duration increase. At higher skill ranks, the bolt will begin to track enemies. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill diseaseshield

Disease Shield creates a cloud of infectious fumes around your character that causes damage to enemies that enter its area of effect. The cloud remains centered on your character for its duration. As the skill rank rises, the radius of the cloud, the damage it causes, and its duration all increase. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill diseasetrail

Disease Trail creates clouds of pestilent vapors behind your character that cause damage to enemies entering them and for as long as they remain within them. As the skill rank rises, the duration of the clouds and the damage they inflict increases. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill endurance

Endurance improves your character’s ability to carry heavy loads. As the skill rank increases, so too does the load capacity your character is able to handle before becoming overly encumbered. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill engulfingdarkness

Engulfing Darkness envelops an enemy in a clinging shroud of damaging darkness that can also cause confusion and will continue to harm the target after the initial attack. As the skill rank rises, the chance to confuse the target increases, as does the damage and duration of both the darkness and the confusion effects. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill harmtouch

Harm Touch is a devastating attack that causes massive damage to an enemy. Once your character uses this ability, he or she must wait a certain amount of time before using it again. As the skill rank rises, the damage caused increases, as does the wait time between uses. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill lifetap

Life Tap siphons off the dissipating life energy of defeated enemies, boosting your character’s own health, mana, or even experience. Use the R1 button to drain the target’s escaping energies. As the skill rank rises, the chance of a successful life tap increases, as does the amount of benefit gained. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill raisearmy

Raise Army raises fallen enemies within range as undead servants, battling for the shadowknight. Bodies must be present to be raised. Higher skill ranks increase the number of servants and radius. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill riposte

Riposte allows your character to redirect damage against him or her back at the enemy. As the skill rank rises, so does the chance for your character to riposte an attack and the damage your character causes to the enemy. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill shadowstep

Shadow Step allows the shadowknight to briefly delude enemies, allow him or her to slip away to a safer spot nearby. At higher skill ranks, the deception can confuse nearby enemies for a time. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill shieldbash

Shield Bash is a rushing attack that uses a shield to damage and possibly even stun your enemies. The damage inflicted increases with each skill rank, as does the chance to stun your enemy and the number of enemies that can be bashed in a single attack. This ability must be activated and costs mana. You must have a shield to use this ability.

champions return to arms skill slashing

Slashing is your skill with slashing weapons, such as swords and axes. The damage you inflict with such weapons increases as your character’s skill rank rises. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill summonskeleton

Summon Skeleton summons an animated skeleton to assist your character and remains until killed. As the skill rank rises, the skeleton summoned becomes more powerful and has a chance to appear wielding a magical weapon. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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