Grimror (Good) – Champions: Return to Arms

This guide will walk you through Grimror in the Plane of Disease as a good-aligned player in Champions: Return to Arms.


EnemiesMosquitoes, melee plagued ones, ranged plagued ones, plagued one shaman
Saves1 total: middle of area
PortalDown dead-end on left side halfway through area
ExitsPlane of Disease


Firiona Vie has sent you to the Plane of Disease so you can stop some portals. But really you are here to collect the Shard of Disease. As you might expect, there are a lot of monsters that will attack using disease in this area so if you have been saving disease resistant items now is the time to wear them… if at all. However none of the other enemies past Grimror use disease at all. Also you won’t find a single container on the entire Plane of Disease to break open, so you may have to buy potions and other consumables instead of expecting to find enough as you play.

The first area is Grimror and it consists of maze-like boardwalks and paths through a marsh. Chests appear as purple containers similar to a large venus flytrap. Often you will be on a different elevation to your enemies and can use ranged attacks against them while they are unable to counter attack.

Mosquitoes and plagued ones will be your enemies for this level and both are not very strong. Mosquitoes cannot be poisoned or diseased, only have melee attacks, have no ability to block, and have few hitpoints. As you might expect, you should be able to swat them without much difficulty. The only thing you have to look out for is that they are often found on raised platforms, where they drop off and surprise you, which is certainly preferable than killing them while they are on the platform where they will drop treasure you have no way of getting.

Plagued ones appear as rat men and come in three types: melee, ranged, and the glowing ones are shaman. If any are damaged, they have a chance to be stunned and knocked over so continuous damage attacks (like fire and poison) work particularly well against them. All plagued ones are immune to disease and also leave behind a diseased corpse for a while after they die, but this disease does little damage so don’t worry about it.

The melee plagued ones are quite weak because they are stunned so easily and often you will be able to kill them from a position where they can’t get to you. The only enemy to be concerned about are the ranged plagued ones. They have a strong thrown ranged disease attack and tend to be found in groups with a shaman as support to heal and resurrect them. Like in the previous plane, these ranged attackers run away when in melee, but unlike them their attacks have less range. To fight them, get outside of their range and hit them with your own ranged attacks. Use the strategies that worked against the shaman you encountered earlier in the game against any shaman you encounter on this level.

Chests are located left the 1st boardwalk and another is right over a bridge from the same boardwalk. Two more chests are left after the 2nd boardwalk, one before you go up onto the raised area and another on the left side path at the portal. A chest is at the save point, and another one is down a path to the right. In the back right corner of the large room just before the exit is a chest, and a final one is hidden in an alcove just past the exit but before the next area loads.

Most Efficient Route

Follow the right wall until you are off the 1st boardwalk. Go over the bridge to the right for a chest and then return back over it. Swing around to the left to get the chest you would have seen from the 1st boardwalk. Start following the left wall to the 2nd boardwalk and down the dead-end and back and continue following the left wall all the way past the portal until you see the save point. Follow the right wall down for a chest and return to the save point for another. After getting back on the boardwalk from the save point, go left and follow the right wall all the way to the exit. Don’t exit until you have gotten the chest in the hidden right at the end.

Fastest Route

Follow the left wall until leaving the 1st boardwalk. Go left and follow the right wall on the 2nd boardwalk. After the 2nd boardwalk go left and hug the raised area on the right and go over the bridge you find on top of it. Follow the right wall on. The 1st path to the left after the raised area leads to a dead-end with the portal. Go straight until you pass the save point, going only slightly left as you continue. Follow the left wall to the exit.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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