Iksar Shaman – Champions: Return to Arms

champions return to arms character iksarshaman


These primitive priests summon spirits to aid in their struggle.


The Iksar have regenerative powers, they heal faster than the other races.


The shaman is more focused on spiritual attacks than physical ones.


champions return to arms skill bindwound

Bind Wound improves your health regeneration rate with each skill rank. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill bluntweapons

Blunt Weapons is your skill at using blunt weapons, such as hammers and maces. The damage you inflict with such weapons increases as your character’s skill rank rises. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill concentration

Concentration increases your character’s natural mana regeneration rate. The regeneration rate increases as the skill rank rises. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill drowsy

Drowsy afflicts the enemy with lethargy, slowing its attacks and movement, while causing damage to the target. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill endurance

Endurance improves your character’s ability to carry heavy loads. As the skill rank increases, so too does the load capacity your character is able to handle before becoming overly encumbered. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill giantgrowth

Giant Growth increases the size of the shaman, making him stronger and able to cause greater damage in combat. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill healing

Healing restores your character’s hit points as if he or she had consumed a healing potion. As the skill rank rises, the amount of hit points healed increases. At higher skill ranks, the effect will have a radius, healing nearby friends as well. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill planarwind

Planar Wind conjures a great gust of wind in front of the shaman, knocking enemies back and causing damage. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill poisonbolt

Poison Bolt fires a dart of poison at the enemy, inflicting damage on a successful hit and poisoning the target. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill poisonweapons

Poison Weapons taints the shaman’s weapon with poison, causing additional damage to your enemy on successful hits. As the skill rank rises, damage and duration of the enchantment increase. At higher skill ranks, the poison effect will be granted to the weapons of nearby friends. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill pusstorm

Pus Storm summons a rain of virulent, fluid discharge causing damage to those in the area of effect. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill root

Root immobilizes an enemy for a short period of time. Higher skill ranks will increase its duration and the number of creatures your character can root, and decrease the chances for an enemy to break free prematurely. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill slashing

Slashing is your skill with slashing weapons, such as swords and axes. The damage you inflict with such weapons increases as your character’s skill rank rises. This ability does not cost mana and is always in effect once acquired.

champions return to arms skill spiritshield

Spirit Shield surrounds the shaman in an aura that protects against attacks. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill summonbadger

Summon Badger summons a spirit servant in the form of a badger to serve the shaman. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

champions return to arms skill tagarsinsects

Tagar’s Insects summons a swarm of insects to overcome enemies, causing damage and distracting them for a time. This ability must be activated and costs mana.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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