Kelethin (Good) – Champions: Return to Arms

This guide will walk you through Kelethin in the Faydark Forest as a good-aligned player in Champions: Return to Arms.

Kelethin Map



EnemiesOrcs (melee, archer, shaman)
SpecialKilling all orcs allows access to Orc Caves (see map)
Saves1 total: center
BossesOrc Hero
ExitsFaydark Forest


Now that you are finally finished doing the leg work for Mithaniel Marr and have the Shard of Valor that Firiona Vie told you to get way back when, you can continue onto Faydark. Apparently Bertoxxulous (same guy from the Plane of Disease) has set up Spirit Anchors in Faydark Forest to prevent access to the Plane of Nightmares. So you have to go to Faydark to speak with the Heartwood Master Leithkorias and destroy the anchors. Before you can get down to the forest floor and do all that, you have the option to rescue the elf village of Kelethin from orcs. If you do kill all the orcs, the gates to the Orc Caves in Faydark Forest will open and you will be able to access that optional area. Regardless of whether you kill all the orcs or not, use the elevator at the start to go to the next area.

This is similar to the first part of the Field of Strife in that you have to kill all the orcs. Except this time the elves are actually fighting with you making it even easier, plus you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. There is a mini boss who goes by the name “Orc Hero” in the corner. He is tough due to his lightning enchanted weapon and cold archer support. He only has melee attacks and moves extremely slowly. Kill off the archers he has behind him, and then attack him with ranged attacks. Keep your distance as he walks towards you, and you can draw him into melee with the defenders of the elf village you helped earlier as you shoot him.

Most Efficient Route

Follow the right side wall all the way around.

Fastest Route

Leave immediately using the elevator at the start.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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