Plane of Fear (Good) – Champions: Return to Arms

This guide will walk you through the Plane of Fear as part of the Plane of Nightmares as a good-aligned player in Champions: Return to Arms.


EnemiesSummoned skeletons
SpecialShard of Fear, Planar Gateway, end of game
BossesEnd of Game boss: Cazic-Thule


As soon as you enter this plane a cutscene starts off with Cazic-Thule talking big and instilling a little fear into you. Of course, you have to expect that given that he is evil and the Lord of Fear. This is the big end boss fight and the end of the game, so before you start you should be stocked up on everything that you need like potions and ammunition.

Cazic-Thule is a big bad melee boss with a high chance to stun. He does have access to the magic spells of a wizard, but he doesn’t cast them much except for the “Shock of” spells (with a preference for Frost), but these don’t deal enough damage to be too concerned about them. When he casts Frost Armor, Cazic-Thule will glow blue. If you attack him while he is blue, you will receive part of the damage you deal back regardless of where you are or if you are blocking…. so don’t attack him while he is glowing blue. There are also campfires throughout the area that you will need to avoid. They don’t do much damage but they can slow you down enough for Cazic-Thule to catch you.

The first thing Cazic-Thule will do when the cutscene ends is summon two skeletons. These skeletons can be a problem if they have an enchanted weapon (which likely they will) only because the enchantment can slow you down enough for Cazic-Thule to catch you. If melee is your strong suit, kill the skeletons as soon as you can. Use ranged attacks if you can’t kill them in one hit to prevent them from hitting you in melee and slowing you down. Shortly after both skeletons are dead, Cazic-Thule will summon two more and every time he does so it is your chance to attack him. Just run up and hack away until the skeletons appear and then block to be knocked away with a backhand from Cazic-Thule. Get a little distance and repeat.

When Cazic-Thule’s hitpoints are below half he will stop summoning skeletons and start chasing you. Now he is a little harder to deal with as he can just about catch you. Your options at this point are to use quick casting spells or to melee with him. Fighting Cazic-Thule in melee isn’t an option if he can stun you with his regular attacks while you are blocking. He does have a ground pound attack that will stun you (even if blocking) and it has such a large area it is going to hit you. When it does, immediately use a potion and get some distance. Just don’t be caught directly under his fist when he does a ground pound (use jump back rather than running to avoid it) or he will kill you.

If you can block and stay on your feet you should be able to go toe to toe in melee with him. He is slow to recover after his last attack in a combo, and that is your chance to counter attack with a couple of swings of your own. The number of attacks Cazic-Thule puts into a combo varies, but you will know which one will be the last attack by the sound Cazic-Thule makes. Listen and take note of what his last grunt sound like, and every time you hear it, take a few swings. Repeat until he is dead.

When Cazic-Thule is dead, it will rain down sparkly pieces of fear. Congratulations, the Shard of Fear is yours to claim. Now you have a choice, to go through the Planar Gateway and end the game, or continue playing on your current difficulty level. If you go through the gate, you will see the ending and get the opportunity to save the game. You may now play the game at the next higher difficulty level, importing any character you wish, not just the one that defeated Cazic-Thule. If you import the character that stepped through the gateway, that character will no longer have any of the quest items in the new game even if you return to the same difficulty you just completed. You will be able to travel to any plane you wish in the new game if you choose the same difficulty level.

There are many reasons why you may wish to continue playing without losing your quest items. If you have yet to complete the many side-quests and optional areas you may you do that now while you still can. Once you lose all the quest items you won’t be able to access the areas that need them (such as the Unexplored Tomb) until you have the appropriate item(s) again. If you want to continue playing, go to “Exit this Mission”. If you leave the Plane of Tranquility, you will have to defeat Cazic-Thule once again when you return to the Plane of Fear. Either way… have fun!

Most Efficient Route

Kill the boss.

Fastest Route

Same as above.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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