Plane of Torment, East (Good) – Champions: Return to Arms

This guide will walk you through the Plane of Torment, East in the Plane of Torment as a good-aligned player in Champions: Return to Arms.


EnemiesGhouls (source of Ghoul Flesh), demons
SpecialSteal flame, Gol Nazyn, Easter Egg (penguin)
Saves2 total: start, before 1st flame
PortalAt Gol Nazyn
ExitsPlane of Torment, West (via the Bridge of Sorrows)


Firiona Vie believes that Saryn the Mistress of Torment is conspiring to do something evil and you have to find out what it is by going to the Plane of Torment. This area is a series of narrow walkways and bridges bottlenecking your enemies and letting you see far ahead without your camera being obstructed by walls if zoomed in.

After the 2nd save point a cutscene will focus on a fire and a brazier followed by a dark elf. It’s giving you the hint to “steal the flame” and use it to light the other brazier to get to the dark elf. This will come up many times in different areas of the Plane of Torment. In most cases, you will have just enough time to light the fire, so instead of getting the fire first and then being delayed by enemies until it goes out, kill all the enemies first then go back for the fire. If you are playing multiplayer, just make sure that the player trailing behind is the one that steals the flame, and you likely won’t have to clear the way of enemies first.

On the other side of the bridge, Gol Nazyn will ask what you want but really it is he who wants something from you… the Shard of Torment which he will trade for his secrets. (And one secret he doesn’t mention is that there is a penguin on a floating rock below him.) Past him two bridges are out. The one on the left is the direction you would have come if you had sided with the bad guys and you won’t be able to go there until you do in another game. Steal the flame you saw earlier to create a bridge to the portal, and then do it again later to access the exit to the Bridge of Sorrow to enter the Plane of Torment, West.

Ghouls are the most common enemy on the Plane of Torment and are undead so the standard strengths, immunities and strategies that apply to all undead apply to ghouls. Ghouls can melee but also use their tongue as a close ranged area attack with a stun chance which can hit you multiple times in one tonguing. If a ghoul starts using its tongue, jump back out of the way and use ranged attacks while it continues flicking nowhere near you.

Two annoying aspects of fighting ghouls is that they pretend to be dead when still alive, and pretend to be alive when they’re dead. When they are truly defeated they fall over and twitch… especially if they drop treasure. If they fall over and don’t twitch after being damaged, they are faking it. Most spells and all regular attacks will not hit them while they are feigning death; you will have to wait for the ghoul to get back up or use a spell that does damage to them while they are down.

Ghouls are only dangerous in packs so don’t let them get behind you by passing them by while they are playing possum. Instead, keep giving them ground by jumping back so they are always in front of you. Ghouls are fast and are often found in groups (especially in “room” like sections between walkways) so let a ghoul come you as soon as you see it rather than advancing to meet it or else you will quickly find yourself surrounded. Ghouls are also the only monsters that have the potential to drop ghoul flesh.

The other type of enemy are the horn headed demons that run you down and stun you. If he connects with one of his attacks he will likely knock you down and finish you. You can’t outrun these enemies so don’t try because if you turn your back to them that always starts them charging after you. Like the ghouls, if you see a demon make it come to you (using ranged attacks) so that you aren’t fighting it and ghouls at the same time. When it gets into melee, block and wait for the demon to attack with both fists before attacking once; then continue blocking and repeat. The best way to kill demons is to block a melee attack, jump back, then attack the demon with a ranged weapon before he can walk over and pound your shield some more, and then repeat.

Tip: This works very well against most enemies.

Most Efficient Route

Follow the left wall from the start until you find two chests at the end of a dead-end. Return to the previous junction and in this room in an alcove on the right side is a third chest. Continue along the only route to the 2nd save point. Clear the path between the flame and the bridge and then steal the flame to make the bridge. After speaking with Gol Nazyn go back and steal the flame again to open another bridge to the right of the dark elf that leads to the portal. Go down the right passage of the portal and clear the path of enemies to the bridge. Return to the portal and go down the other path to another flame. Steal it and open the bridge. Exit across the Bridge of Sorrows.

Fastest Route

Take the first right. Continue along the only route to the 2nd save point. Clear the path between the flame and the bridge and then steal the flame to make the bridge. After speaking with Gol Nazyn go back and steal the flame again to open another bridge to the right of the dark elf that leads to the portal. Go down the right passage of the portal and clear the path of enemies to the bridge. Return to the portal and go down the other path to another flame. Steal it and open the bridge. Exit across the Bridge of Sorrows.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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