Plane of Water (Evil) – Champions: Return to Arms

This guide will walk you through the main hub of the Plane of Water as an evil-aligned player in Champions: Return to Arms.


EnemiesMerfolk, sea monsters
Saves2 total: start, 2nd fork in passage,
PortalCentral point between the three exits
ExitsSafety Chamber 1 (west), Safety Chamber 2 (north), Safety Chamber 3 (east)


Now that you can breathe underwater, Natasla wants you to go to the Plane of Water to open some holes and flood the Pit of Ill Omen… and of course get another shard. When you have the shard, you can return to Natasla for access to the Plane of Torment.

The Plane of Water should be easy. The area is shaped like a giant “j” connected to a “+” at the top end with you starting at the other. One of the first things you should notice when you start the Plane of Water is that the water slows you down. You will see a save point at the start, but it is on a higher level and to get to it you have to approach from behind. Next to the save point is a chest. Past the 2nd save point is the portal. Paths lead further on left (west), straight (north), and east (right). Go down any one and enter the safety chamber entrance at the end of the path before you explore the others as you will eventually need to go down all three paths. Make sure to activate the portal before you move on because you will want to use this portal at least twice as it is a kind of nexus for the plane. At the end of each of the three paths is a single sea monster. They are the closest thing to a boss you will find on the entire plane but you’ve dealt with regular sea monsters before so you shouldn’t have any difficulty. The only other type of enemy you will encounter in this area are merfolk. They move and fight very similarly to goblins (except slower) and if you use the strategies you used to kill goblins, you shouldn’t have any problems dealing with them because they don’t have archers to back them up.

Most Efficient Route

Approach the save point “hill” from the right side and go up the hill from the back for a chest. Follow the right side wall down into an alcove for the other chest. Continue following the right side wall until it starts to bottleneck. As this is a wide area, zigzag back and forth between the walls until you come to the 2nd save point on the right side. Follow the side path to the portal and activate it. Pick a direction and go that way to the entrance of the reef and go in. When you are done inside, portal back to this area and repeat for the other two directions.

Fastest Route

Follow the left wall past the save point until you have basically done a U-turn. Then start following the right side wall to the 2nd save point. Follow the side path to the portal and activate it. Pick a direction and go that way to the entrance of the reef and go in. When you are done inside, portal back to this area and repeat for the other two directions.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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