Reef of Coirnav, West (Good) – Champions: Return to Arms

This guide will walk you through the Reef of Coirnav, West in the Plane of Water as a good-aligned player in Champions: Return to Arms.


EnemiesArcher skeletons, melee skeletons (source of Bone Chips)
SpecialStone of Coirnav, hole to plug, Shard of Water (possible)
Saves2 total: start, 2nd fork in passage
PortalEnd at hole
ExitsThe Plane of Water (previous area)


If you went left at the portal on The Plane of Water, you ended up at the west reef of the three reefs. Here you have to push a Stone of Coirnav to plug the hole at the end of the area. The Stone is very close to your starting position and looks like a green chess piece. You can move it but cannot destroy it. At the end just before the portal there will be a hole in the center of the room with bubbles coming out. Push the Stone into the hole until it won’t move out and a note comes up on screen stating how many holes have been plugged. Don’t leave until you see that note so you know that the hole has been plugged.

If this is the third and last hole to plug, a shell you can’t open will be near the plug. When the hole is plugged, the shell will open and some treasure and the Shard of Water will pop out. However if you are unlucky you will see an explosion during the cutscene instead. If this bug occurs, it means that you will have to reset the plane (as described previously) and do the entire Plane of Water over again from the beginning.

Pushing the Stone can be frustrating especially since it absorbs all non-magically ranged attacks and many magical ranged attacks (like all moveable objects) by both you and your enemies. Also if the Stone is between you and an enemy, the enemy can hit you in melee, but you won’t be able to hit the enemy. This means that if an archer is shooting, you can use the Stone as cover, but if someone walks up and takes a swing, then make sure the Stone is out of the way. You may find it easier to leave the Stone where it is and clear out the enemies between it and the end of the area and then go back for it later. Or you may push it along with you as you hack your way through the area… both are fine options. If playing a ranged heavy character (like a ranger or berserker) you probably should leave it behind and then come back for it. This walkthrough assumes you bring it along with you as you go.

Skeletons are the most common undead and are fairly basic. Certain spells and effects are particularly useful against undead so check your spell descriptions. Also, undead are strong or immune against certain effects such as poison and disease. Skeletons specifically are resistant to cold damage (but not the effect) and weaker against blunt weapons. Skeletons are also the only monsters that have the potential to drop bone chips. Skeletons are very easy and you shouldn’t have any trouble dealing with them. You can also use the Stone to block archer fire, but not if they have a cold enchanted bow.

Most Efficient Route

Push the Stone along the passage to the fork. Leave it there. Follow the right wall to the chest at the end of a dead-end. Push the Stone to the 2nd save point and leave it there. Continue forward following the right side wall until you find the other chest and it loops back. Return to the stone and push it down the other passageway until you reach the portal. Plug the hole and leave.

Fastest Route

Follow the left wall as you push the Stone forward. Every time you come to a choice in passageways, go left. When you get to the room with the portal, place the plug in the hole and leave.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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