Attributes – Curse of the Azure Bonds

Here’s how attributes work in Curse of the Azure Bonds.


Strength is the measure of how much a character can carry. A character with a high strength does bonus damage in combat. Fighters, paladins, and rangers with an 18 strength also have a percent value from 1 to 100 (listed as 01-00), denoting exceptional strength.

Some non-human races may need a high strength to reach the maximum level in their class.

Strength is a prime requisite for fighters, paladins, and rangers.


Intelligence is the measure of how well a character can learn.

Some non-human races may need a high intelligence to reach the maximum level in their class.

Intelligence is a prime requisite for magic users and rangers.


Wisdom is the measure of a character’s ability to understand the ways of the world and interact with it. A cleric with a high wisdom can memorize additional spells.

Wisdom is a prime requisite for clerics, paladins, and rangers.


Dexterity is the measure of the manual dexterity and agility of a character. A character with a high dexterity is harder to hit and receives a bonus when attacking with missile weapons. A thief with a high dexterity receives a bonus to thieving skills.

Dexterity is the prime requisite for thieves.


Constitution is the measure of the overall health of a character. A character with a high constitution receives additional HP when leveling up.


Charisma is the measure of how well a character interacts with others. Charisma is sometimes a factor when a character has an encounter with an NPC.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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