Classes – Curse of the Azure Bonds

These are the basic character classes available in Curse of the Azure Bonds.


Clerics have spells bestowed on them by their deity and can fight with armor and crushing weapons. The prime requisite for clerics is wisdom.

Hit dice: 1d8


Fighters can use any weapons and armor, but they cannot cast magic spells. Fighters can have exceptional strength, and they gain HP bonuses if they have a constitution over 16. The prime requisite for fighters is strength.

Hit dice: 1d10

Magic User

Magic users have powerful spells, but they can use no armor and only a few weapons. They can only memorize those spells available in their magic books. The prime requisite for magic users is intelligence.

Hit dice: 1d4


Paladins can fight with any armor and weapons, and they can cast a few clerical spells at high levels. Paladins can have exceptional strength, and they gain HP bonuses if they have a consitution over 16. Paladins are more resistant to spells and poison, can turn undead creatures as if they were a cleric two levels below their current level, and are always surrounded by the equivalent of a “protection from evil” spell. A paladin may cure disease once a week at levels 1-5, twice a week at levels 6-10, and three times a week at level 11. A paladin will not adventure with evil characters. Paladins must be of lawful good alignment and have ability scores of at least 9 in intelligence, at least 12 in strength, at least 13 in wisdom, and at least 17 in charisma. The prime requisites for paladins are strength and wisdom.

Hit dice: 1d10


Rangers can fight with any armor and weapons, and they can cast a few druid and magic user spells at high levels. Rangers can have exceptional strength, and they gain HP bonuses if they have a constitution over 16. Rangers do additional damage in combat when fighting gaint-class creatures. No more than three rangers can be in a party at one time. Rangers must be of good alignment and have ability scores of at least 13 in strength and intelligence, and at least 14 in wisdom and constitution. The prime requisites for rangers are strength, intelligence, and wisdom.

Hit dice: 1d8


Thieves can fight with one-handed swords and slings and wear leather armor. In combat they do additional damage “backstabbing” human-sized opponents. Thieves also have special skills for picking pockets, opening locks, removing traps, moving silently, hiding in shadows, and climbing walls. At 10th level, thieves have a chance to cast magic-user spells off of scrolls. The prime requisite for thieves is dexterity.

Hit dice: 1d6

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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