Cleric Spells (Level One) – Curse of the Azure Bonds

These are the level one spells available to Clerics in Curse of the Azure Bonds.


This spell improves the THAC0 of friendly characters by 1. It does not affect characters who are adjacent to monsters when the spell is cast.

Cause Light Wounds

This spell causes 1-8 HP of damage. The target gets no saving throw.

Cure Light Wounds

This spell heals 1-8 HP of damage.


This spell reduces the THAC0 of monsters by 1. It does not affect monsters who are adjacent to friendly characters when the spell is cast. The target gets no saving throw.

Detect Magic

This spell indicates which equipment or treasure is magical when viewing a character’s items or when taking treasure items. Equipment preceded by an asterisk (*) is magical.

Our Comment: This is a useful spell to have memorized, so you can tell which objects that you find are worth picking up. It’s better to have a cleric memorize the spell rather than a magic user, because the other first level cleric spells aren’t very useful.

Protection from Evil

This spell improves the AC and saving throws of the target by 2 against evil attackers.

Protection from Good

This spell improves the AC and saving throws of the target by 2 against good attackers.

Resist Cold

This spell halves the damage and improves saving throws versus cold attacks by 3.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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